Answers to some of our frequently asked questions.
Anytime before 24 hours of your booking, you receive a full refund. Due to limited stock and high demand, there is no refund within 24 hours of your booking.
No, our all inclusive rental service includes the only car attachment you need for our roof boxes which is called roof bars or roof racks. We rent those out too.
We only use new or like-new brand name equipment like Thule, Sportrack, Yakima, Galaxy, and our own brand of premium Adventure Outdoors items and accessories. This way we ensure that our items will not break down and ruin your trip.
We deliver anywhere within 50 kms of our warehouse in Surrey. We also pick it up from the same location too! Here’s our full Service Area.
We try our best to deliver and pick up the items at your convenient location, so please be sure to provide the exact address we would be meeting in.
Our online booking service stops taking reservations for same day bookings. If you need a rental sooner than 24 hours, please call/text 778-957-3448 to confirm availability, meet time, and location.
Our patrons are expected to be at least 18 years old to book our rentals. Otherwise they must be accompanied and supervised by a parent/ guardian at all times.
Yes, most of our demos can soon be found online on our YouTube channel which you can watch and rewatch at your own convenience.
You will also receive the PDF instructions manual and how-to-use video emailed to you after your completed booking.
No, all bookings must be paid for upon booking confirmation.
We do not take cash as payment method for bookings since we are a paperless business. The good news is that we can take etransfer and any card, including Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Yes, we have specific waiver forms for each equipment. You must be at least 18 years old to sign the documents.
The documents will be sent out with the booking confirmation email.
Yes, we have full service installation available for all of our heavy and hard to handle equipment, including cargo boxes, roof racks, bike carriers, and cargo baskets. We can even drop it off too.